KTPD09 Pedal manufacturers and suppliers | Kactus

KTPD09 Pedal


Bicycle components bicycle parts mountain bike pedals Product description *Main body: aluminum alloy CNC machining  *Axis: titanium alloy / chrome molybdenum steel *Weight: 220g -292g/Pair *Palin: 3  *Size: 100*95*17mm  *Color: anode red, enamel, blue, gold, titanium. *Antiskid bolt AL6061 CNC bolt, color customizable as per client request.   Design Highlights  *High Strength: High quality magnesium alloy, high strength and good durability *Light Weight:Carefully built lightweight,comfo...

  • ກຸ່ມນະໂຍບາຍ: ສະຫະລັດ $ 05 - 9,999 / ຊິ້ນ
  • ຕົວຂຶ້ນໄປຈໍານວນ: 100 ສິ້ນສິ້ນ /
  • ຄວາມສາມາດໃນການສະຫນອງ: 10000 ສິ້ນສິ້ນ / ຕໍ່ເດືອນ
  • Port: Shenzhen
  • ເງື່ອນໄຂການຊໍາລະເງິນ: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Bicycle components bicycle parts mountain bike pedals

    2.2_ 副本 2


    *Main body: aluminum alloy CNC machining 

    * Axis: ໂລຫະປະສົມ titanium / ເຫຼັກ molybdenum chrome

    * ນ້ໍາຫນັກ: 220g -292g / Pair

    * Palin: 3 

    * ຂະຫນາດ: 17mm 100 * 95 * 

    * ສີ: ສີແດງ anode, enamel, ສີຟ້າ, ຄໍາ, titanium.

    *Antiskid bolt AL6061 CNC bolt, color customizable as per client request.



    *High Strength: High quality magnesium alloy, high strength and good durability

    * ແສງນ້ໍາຫນັກ:. ສ້າງ້ໍາຫນັກເບົາ, ປະສົບການອຸດົມສົມສະດວກສະບາຍແລະ lubrication ດີຢ່າງລະອຽດ

    * ກົນການອອກແບບໂຄງສ້າງການເຄື່ອນໄຫວ: ອອກແບບຕາມຄວາມຮູ້ສຶກຂອງການເຄື່ອນໄຫວແລະ ergonomics ໄດ້, ໃຫ້ທ່ານປະສົບການກິດຈະກໍາຂີ່ດີກວ່າ.

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